Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Troubles.

I wasn't sure what I was going to write about today. We had a lazy Sunday. House cleaning, t.v. watching, making steaks for dinner and trying out a new recipe- nothing very exciting. So I may digress a little bit today from my normal posts of estate sale finds and home decorating even though I'm sure I can squeeze those in at the end. 

Monday. The most dreaded day of the week for me. For some reason, I always feel like Mondays bring bad news. It's the busiest day of the week for me work wise and it always feels like some problem arises that requires my immediate attention and problem solving skills.

I woke up this morning dreading the rest of the day. I'm up against a big deadline. If it were up to me I would meet the deadline. Unfortunately, there are about three other parties involved and I am waiting on them to do their part. Waiting. Hoping. Keeping fingers crossed. 

Owning your own business has many rewards I can list. However, it also has its own downfalls. You control your own destiny. But its success or failure rests only on your shoulders. If you fail, you don't eat. Your paycheck is completely dependent on your performance. It's not guaranteed. It's not a career for the risk adverse, that's for sure. And when something is out of my control that directly affects me, it's weighing heavily on my mind. 

I'm reading a book on leadership right now. Unfortunately, I am only on the second chapter. Right now I am reading about "optimism." So how can I apply this to my situation. I can change my attitude. Rather than feeling dread, I can feel challenged. Can I make this happen? You bet I can. Will it be hard? Absolutely. Will it take some hard work on my part? Of course, but I can do it. Just by simply changing my attitude I feel better about the situation already. Nothing worth gaining ever comes easy. So say a little prayer for me today. That my heart will be still and my head will be clear. 
I can do this. I will figure it out.

And on a lighter note...I did get some of my other finds cleaned up yesterday.

A new set of snack plates in the teardrop pattern in their original box. I use these for chips and dip at parties. I think this is my 10th or so box- I need to have forty people over to my house to use them all.

 I finally got these cleaned up too. A new Pyrex bowl- not in the greatest condition, but cheap, a new cake stand, and vintage cookie and biscuit cutters.

And just to prove to you I actually use what I buy. I made a cake to sit on the new cake stand.

Being tall has it's advantages. I wouldn't know but Brian spotted these lovelies way up on a top shelf in the garage.

When I took them out of the box to clean them I found out the original packaging was still there including the holiday labels. I will definitely be using those in my scrapbook.

I still have a few more things to clean. Hopefully, I can get that done today.

And in case you are dreading Monday too, this should put a smile on your face.

That's not my dog, but it looks exactly like him. I see a new Halloween costume in Lucky's future.

I am wishing you all a wonderful Monday and a fabulous week. Let's make this day great! 
Wish me luck!



  1. Replies
    1. And they were only $5.00 for the set. I'm going to store buttons in them in my craft room.
