Saturday, August 24, 2013

Everyone Knows One Right?

A "Debbie Downer" a "Negative Nancy"- you know those people that can ruin your day with a comment. They go on a fabulous vacation and Hawaii is just "too humid" or eat at a great restaurant and the wine isn't the right temperature. Or worse, they think you are a nice person but you could stand to lose just a little weight. 

Years ago when I used to teach scrapbook classes all over the country the students would submit evaluations after the class. There could be forty-nine stunning reviews of just how many people loved your teaching and the class, but it was that one person who had something negative to say that you held on to. It didn't matter that forty-nine people thought you were great. It was that one person that said "you talked to fast" or "they didn't get enough free stuff" that you held onto and internalized. 

Why do we do that? Why are negative comments so hurtful and why do people think it's okay to say them. We've all heard the adage "if you can't say something nice, don't say it at all" but it seems like in this day and age nobody follows it. People delight in bringing others down. And it's sad how words can hurt. Maybe you have a friend, spouse, or relative like this. You don't remember the nice things they say to you, but the negative words will swirl in your head for days, eroding your self confidence and self esteem, making you doubt yourself. 

In my old age I've learned a few things. One, I don't have to put of with it. Having a "Debbie Downer" around you, only brings you down too. It surrounds you with an air of negativity that you just don't need in your life. So I don't have people around me that don't support and love me- unconditionally, flaws and all. 

Two, nothing will make these people happy- so don't bother to try. The weather will always be too hot or too cold. The food will always be bad even when it's good. You will never be enough to them, because they aren't enough to themselves. 

I picture them like this video. They are the raccoon and happiness is just over the wall.
Copy and paste this into your browser. It's worth the visual. 

So I challenge you today...say something nice. Be positive. Quell the desire to complain. Don't be the "Debbie Downer" and everyone around you will be happier.

Stepping off my soapbox now...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

And With That...It's Over.

Good bye summer! How we loved you. Nothing on the agenda, no homework, waking up late, hanging around doing nothing. I love summer. I hate the heat part of it and never go out into the sun if I can help it but I love having Davis home with me. She still likes to hang out with us so having her around is a constant joy. I would home school her just to have her around me if I had the discipline, but I know I don't. 
So how did we spend our summer?

1. Estate sales. Lots and lots of estate sales. Davis is our secret weapon, she can sneak in and grab the good stuff before anybody even notices she is there.

2. Tech Camp: In two weeks Davis designed her own video game in Fusion and learned Maya.

3. Art Camp: Two weeks of sculpture and painting.

4. Disneyland- Davis' favorite place on earth.

5. D23- the Disney lovers convention.

6. We did do one overnight trip to Newport Beach.

And now this. The first day of school.

Eighth grade. Kind of sad this is her last year before high school. Really? Where did the time go. It just flew by. 

I still think of her like this:

I am excited for her future and what she will become. In five short years she will be off to college so I treasure every moment I can spend with her. 
She rocks.

I hope everyone has a great back to school and enjoys the last few days of summer! Have a fabulous day!

Monday, August 12, 2013

A Disney Weekend...

We surprised Davis with a trip to D23, the Disney convention on Sunday. She is obsessed with all things Disney, especially the Haunted Mansion so we thought this would be a fun surprise for her. I woke her up early and told her we were going and she actually had tears of joy- what mother doesn't love that? So we headed down to the Anaheim Convention Center to begin our day of standing in lines. The convention is packed and takes up the entire convention center. It has everything Disney you could possibly want. We got there early enough to get in line- just to get in.

Then inside it was straight to the vendor booths so she could look for Haunted Mansion stuff. There were collectors there selling everything from vintage Disney to items from the park. You could go broke before you make it down the first aisle. They also had a silent auction of bigger items. Who wouldn't want a classic Matterhorn car in their house?
There are lots of panels to attend and pavilions and booths to walk through. It was a bit overwhelming. We went to the Interactive Panel where the Disney execs introduced their new games and apps which was pretty cool. We hit the Disneyland parks pavilion so Davis could see the anamatronic "Hat Box Ghost"- her favorite.
There is a ton of cool concept art and a booth for just about every aspect of Disney you can imagine.
There are photo ops too in Disney vehicles, with characters, etc, etc...all which required standing in another line...did I mention the place was packed?
We visited the robot stage which Davis thought was cool until Brian told her the robot's offspring would one day enslave us all...
I enjoyed looking at all of the artwork. I am partial to the designs that have a retro feel.
Overall, it was a really fun time, but you need at least two days to see it all. Next year we will attend Friday and Saturday so we don't miss anything.

In other news, Davis came home from art camp. I think she might have been the only student who made a sculpture of the grim reaper...that's my girl!

Brian got home from Santa Clara late Saturday night but leaves for Charlotte, NC early Wednesday. Lots to do this week before school starts next Wednesday- ugh. As usual, Monday is my least favorite day of the week but I hope yours is great and that you had a fabulous weekend!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Let's Hear it for Friday!

Whew, been a couple of interesting days around the ole Fogg homestead. I've had a pinched nerve in my neck since we moved all of our furniture into the storage unit last weekend. I am miserable. Nothing seems to help with the pain at all. I guess I will be just waiting it out. 

Brian left for Santa Rose yesterday morning and Davis is still at art camp. So the house is Q-U-I-E-T. Except for our "zoo" which is still keeping me busy. Before Brian left he was nice enough to put the trash cans outside for me...but he forgot to shut the gate. When I let the dogs out yesterday I had no idea the gate was open. Once I went to call them inside almost an hour later, only Lucky was waiting by the back door. Crap. I was missing two dogs. So into the car I jumped, in my pajamas, no less, to drive around and try to find them. I found Como first one cul-de-sac over. He's so fat he can't run far and he has a cone on his head. I found Firenze two streets over. Thank goodness. I wrestled them back into the car and the house. Our dogs are such runners, I never thought I would find them. 

While I was driving around the warning lights came on in the H2 I don't have a car to drive to Orange County to see Davis' art show today. Aagh. I am making it up to her by taking her to D23 as a surprise once Brian gets back on Sunday. So not only am I alone, in pain, but I am also house bound. Kind of getting stir crazy. I did have time to clean up the vintage clothes I scored last weekend. Two full black trash bags of stuff from three different sales. 

And oops I did it again...I said I wasn't going to buy any more afghans but I couldn't pass these up. The first one was $1! And the second one has fringe! I couldn't say no.

I also scored some sweaters with the labels still intact.

And another hand knitted poncho. This fall I am singlehandedly bringing the poncho back!
I also got two shift dresses, one with a matching coat.

And the cutest knitted drawstring purse and scarf.
So no car means no estate sales for me this weekend. I am super glad it is Friday and Davis will be home today. Just a week and a half until she starts school. So sad. I love having her home. I hope everyone has awesome plans for the weekend. Keep your dogs close.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

When It's All About That "One Thing"...

Some of you may know about the story of "The Bowl." Years ago I found this awesome 1960-ish bowl (I always thought it was a chip bowl) at the SA for a couple of dollars.
I was so excited about it. It was just sitting there calling my name. It had a few scratches in the design and I wouldn't say it was even in "good" condition but I loved it. They wrapped it for me and I lovingly placed it on the back seat so it wouldn't roll around. Our next stop was the GW where I found a couple of things. When I went to put them in the back seat I opened the door and my bowl rolled out and shattered into a million pieces at my feet. I was so upset. It had survived for fifty years and it wasn't even in my possession for fifteen minutes before it was broken. I was sad.

Then, about two weeks later I walked back into the SA and sitting right there was the same bowl. Another one? How was that even possible? I embraced my good luck and snatched that one up. I carried it home on my lap. Yay.

A few months after that we were at the flea market and I looked over and there was the bowl- again! Except this one was in mint condition and still had the dip bowl and attachment. How lucky was I? Now I had two.

Since then we have used it for chips and dip when people come over. I love these two bowls. 

So you can imagine how surprised I was when I went to an estate sale last weekend and saw another one! It too had the chip bowl and it was cheap so I had to grab this one too. Now I can serve a wider variety of chips and dip.

So what did I learn? There is always "more stuff." There really isn't that perfect piece you just HAVE to have. Something else will come along. Or come along three times. It's kind of like life. You want something to happen, it doesn't and you think it's the end of the world. But then a second opportunity happens and it turns out to be better then the first one. Just like bowls.

I hope everyone is having a great week!

Monday, August 5, 2013


So we got up early yesterday to clean out the living room. It took eight trips to the storage unit to get it all done...and that old furniture is heavy! Then we moved two tables, a coffee table, a couch, and chair out to the garage to list on Craigslist. We already sold the three tables. Just please someone come take the couches so we can have our garage back! 
So I can now say the museum is officially closed. Good riddance!

After we cleared the room, we shampooed all of the carpets. That was a fun job too. The room looked so big once it was empty.

Then it was time to bring in the old new furniture.

I love the new stereo cabinet we got for $25! It is in perfect condition and we got to listen to records while we worked.

Now the fun part starts. Filling in the space with artwork and other decor. I did get this piece at an estate sale this weekend and it's already found the perfect home.

Being Monday I have a ton of work to do today and I can barely move from moving all of that furniture. Brian leaves on Thursday for Santa Clara. Davis is at art camp all week and is staying at my mom's. Summer is winding down but our schedule is still packed. It's early and I am already tired, lol. I hope everyone has a great day!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Now the Work Begins...

Our house is a disaster. I mean a complete and utter disaster. We found our "new" furniture before we closed "the museum" so everything was stacked up on top of each other so you can't even walk through the house. We took a few "before" photos. 

We got about halfway done last night so now we are living like this.

What a mess. Our garage is packed with stuff we are selling so our goal this morning is to make several trips to the storage unit with the museum furniture and boxes so we can clean out the garage and make room for everything we are listing on Craigslist. My back hurts already. 

In other news, we went to the most amazing estate sale yesterday morning. It was a packed house of a couple that used to own an antique store- score! And everything was cheap, cheap, cheap. I got boxes of dishes- Pyrex was $1-$2!! I got a set of "My Blue Heaven" which I collect for $4! You can't even find it anymore and usually one dinner plate is $12-$15! It's going to take me a while to go through all of the boxes though. I felt like I was robbing the place but they just wanted it gone. 
The prices were cheaper than thrift! Amazing.

In other news. Davis graduated from her Maya class on Friday. She made the most amazing Pokemon/Haunted Mansion mash-up animation. I am so proud of her for sticking with such a hard program to learn.

Her instructor was "Bubbles" and he was amazing!

So wish us luck today! It's going to be long and back-breaking. I just need my house back before Monday- that's not too much to ask, right? I hope everyone else has a relaxing Sunday!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

I Went to a Fight and an Estate Sale Broke Out...

On Wednesday afternoon we got a lead on a mid century modern estate sale in Huntington Beach. This house was packed full of MCM treasures- most looked like they had barely been used. We knew we had to go. Only problem was logistics. The rules stated that the list would be posted at 7:00am sharp and no other list would be honored. 

So how do we get to Huntington Beach early enough to get in line for the list at 7:00? Davis had to be in Irvine at 8:00am for camp. We were having logistic issues which required a serious plan. After a bit of brainstorming we decided to use our Marriott points to stay down in Newport beach on Wednesday night. We could pick Davis up from camp Wednesday night, stay in Newport, get up and put our name on the list, then take her to camp at 8:00 and be back for when the doors opened at 9:00. No driving back and forth to Corona which was a huge bonus! Davis was excited not to have to drive back and forth in traffic for a day too. So we packed a suitcase and headed down. 

Now there was much discussion as to what time we should arrive to get our names on the list. Two hours ahead of time is usually the norm. So we decided we would be even smarter and get there three hours 4:00am. With all the anticipation of the sale neither one of us slept the night before. We left at 3:30 and got to the house before 4:00 only to see a list ALREADY ON THE DOOR. WITH TWO NAMES ON IT. How?? We were mad since we were the first ones there and the rules clearly stated the list wouldn't be up until 7:00. We followed the rules but obviously the sellers didn't by putting out the list the night before. All our plans of being first simply went down the drain. 

Here we are still with high hopes waiting on the porch of a stranger's house at 4:00am...that's normal right?

You can see the list in the background...aargh. So around 5:00 dealers started showing up and the list started to fill in way before 7:00 when it was supposed to be posted. Finally, one of the sellers arrived and we asked what was going on with the list and who were these two people on the list that weren't even there. He said they were two neighbors that came by last night that just wanted to see the house. They weren't dealers or anything so we had nothing to worry about. BUT...the dealer behind us said, no, they are dealers, I know them. So either these people lied to the sellers and said they were neighbors or the sellers didn't care and just let them sign the list the night before when they "stopped by." 

Once again I would like to point out this all could have been avoided if the seller had just followed the rules they posted for the sale and put the list out at 7:00. So we waited until the doors opened at 9:00. The two "dealers" arrived and sure enough they were dealers...with an attitude. They stood around and bragged about what they sold to people, how they had an AmEx they were just going to "buy everything and throw in on the card." Nevermind that they conned their way onto the list and the people that actually followed the rules and got there at 4am were behind them in line. 
So I must digress here and let you know the one piece we were really after. Brian had his heart set on this Danish piece by Dyerlund. 

Unfortunately, so did everyone else. So the doors open at 9:00 and the two dealers make a mad dash inside and begin pulling the tags off everything in sight...I mean everything. Well, Brian had already asked where the cabinet was so he knew it was in the sunken family room, down three stairs, past the formal living room. That's when dealer #1 made her fatal mistake. She headed to the stairs but got greedy and banked left to grab the tags off two more chairs and a lamp. Brian, in moves I've only seen in the Matrix, went right down the stairs, took two long strides and grabbed the tag off the was all kind of in slow motion as Dealer #1 was right on his heals screaming "No, no, no"...once Brian had the tag, she started screaming "That's not fair" and 'I was first" Of course, I had to jump in and say, that she went left and Brian went right, he just went right past her when she stopped. Then she had the nerve to say that Brian pushed her and then leapt over her down the stairs to get the tag. Really, lady? 

Then the sellers had to get involved because she wouldn't stop screaming. She told Brian "You knew that was the only piece I wanted" Not sure how that works because Brian doesn't have any psychic abilities I know about. And you know what? It was the only piece he wanted to. He just happened to be faster that day and she got greedy by stopping to pull even more tags.

 Luckily, the sellers sided with us and told her to just move on. We continued shopping and we even got the second piece we wanted which was a rare "Wroughtan" sectional couch. There were some awesome vintage clothes that were mostly picked over by the time I got up there but I did get a couple of things. So we go down to pay for our purchase and we find out that Dealer #1 didn't even buy the stuff she pulled the tags from! She only bought a lamp and a small chair...she put everything else back!!! 
There is nothing that makes a seller angrier then you pulling the tags off something, then deciding not to buy it when they  could have sold it to someone else. And she had pulled the tags off of everything. We found out later that they thought she had even tried to switch some tags and pull a scam at check out. The seller said she is no longer welcome at any of their sales. At least we felt vindicated. Exhausted, but vindicated.

So after all of that our living room now looks like this.

So you would think that after all of that drama, we would be wanting to take an estate sale break. But we had some time on Friday afternoon so we decided to go to one more sale that I had a feeling had some paint by numbers. We weren't planning on buying any furniture so we took the small car. 
And of course we find this beauty.

It's a Motorola Stereophonic Masterpiece console. the radio and record player work and it is in amazing condition and the price was a steal. Since we have been after a record player for a while, this was perfect. Luckily, it fit in the car! 

So, I have a ton of pieces to clean up and show you. I got a lot of amazing stuff in the last few days. This weekend we have to pack up our entire living room and dining room, make room in the garage for the "old" furniture, get it posted on Craigslist and then move the "new" furniture in. I might hit a couple of estate sales just looking for small home decor items just for fun today. No furniture. Lol. I hope everyone's Saturday is amazing!