Tuesday, August 6, 2013

When It's All About That "One Thing"...

Some of you may know about the story of "The Bowl." Years ago I found this awesome 1960-ish bowl (I always thought it was a chip bowl) at the SA for a couple of dollars.
I was so excited about it. It was just sitting there calling my name. It had a few scratches in the design and I wouldn't say it was even in "good" condition but I loved it. They wrapped it for me and I lovingly placed it on the back seat so it wouldn't roll around. Our next stop was the GW where I found a couple of things. When I went to put them in the back seat I opened the door and my bowl rolled out and shattered into a million pieces at my feet. I was so upset. It had survived for fifty years and it wasn't even in my possession for fifteen minutes before it was broken. I was sad.

Then, about two weeks later I walked back into the SA and sitting right there was the same bowl. Another one? How was that even possible? I embraced my good luck and snatched that one up. I carried it home on my lap. Yay.

A few months after that we were at the flea market and I looked over and there was the bowl- again! Except this one was in mint condition and still had the dip bowl and attachment. How lucky was I? Now I had two.

Since then we have used it for chips and dip when people come over. I love these two bowls. 

So you can imagine how surprised I was when I went to an estate sale last weekend and saw another one! It too had the chip bowl and it was cheap so I had to grab this one too. Now I can serve a wider variety of chips and dip.

So what did I learn? There is always "more stuff." There really isn't that perfect piece you just HAVE to have. Something else will come along. Or come along three times. It's kind of like life. You want something to happen, it doesn't and you think it's the end of the world. But then a second opportunity happens and it turns out to be better then the first one. Just like bowls.

I hope everyone is having a great week!


  1. We have a 60's ish, we think chip bowl with the little dip bowl with the hanger that we got from Allen's grand parents. I love it, we use it often!!
