Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Thoughts on July 4th...

I hope I don't get too political on you today...but it's my blog, right? I have a pet peeve. It's when we call this holiday the "4th of July"...I think it desensitizes us to what the day really means. Yes, it did happen on July 4th (they think)  but the day is "Independence Day." When we signed our Declaration of Independence from the tyrannical rule of Britain. 

Can you imagine the bravery of the men who signed that Declaration? If it didn't work, they would most certainly have been held accountable for treason. It's the document that this great nation was built on. And while we do have our problems, it's still the greatest nation in the world. However, the more an individual is dependent on government to meet their basic needs, the less free that individual is. So while we celebrate today with hot dogs and fireworks, let's not forget that someone a long time ago stood up for our independence as a sovereign nation and as individuals. 

And we should never forget the men, women, and families that serve in our military who continue to keep us free and safe. They make a sacrifice every day that I can't even imagine, but I think God that they are willing to serve. 

So I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Independence Day celebrating with family and friends but let's not forget the bravery of our founding fathers and everyone who serves in our military today!


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