Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wednesday Means It's Almost the Weekend...Right?

I had tons of work to catch up on after being out on Tuesday. I never mind it though. I love my job and I'm lucky enough to be able to work from home in my uniform-  the pajamas I wore to bed the night before! I think I need to invest in a pair of those As Seen on TV "Pajama Jeans". That way when FedEx shows up at 2:00 I look like I've actually gotten dressed. Rue the day I ever have to go back into an office setting- my pajamas won't be dress code compliant!

I did have a chance to stop by the thrift store I missed the day before. One of the many things I collect are vintage coats. They have to have the original labels inside and fit- those are pretty much the only requirements. Coats, you ask? Yes, I know, I live in the desert where it's extremely hot, yet one side of my closet is entirely coats. Some new, some old. I own more coats than anything else. 
I found these beauties yesterday. 

This one has a great texture and a furry collar. $15.00.

This one is pure 1960's awesomeness. $15.00.

This one had a great texture and isn't vintage but I am going to replace the buttons with vintage rhinestone buttons and I think that will make it super cute! $5.00.

I was able to pick up a few dishes too. And yes that's a vintage PINK Pyrex dish I found at the Goodwill in perfect condition for just $3.00. The Pyrex fluted cake and pie pans I can actually use- see I needed them? And the red and white bowl will go on my kitchen counter. The gold patterned tray coordinates with my 1960's gold chip bowl and will be great for appetizers. 
All less than $20.00 total.

Funny story. When I walked into the dish aisle, there were two eBay sellers already there. Ugh, I thought everything good was going to be gone. But they were so wrapped up in telling each other how much money they make and what they sell, I just walked right by straight to the pink Pyrex. As I was carrying it around, the lady kept giving me the stink eye. 
Hey, ya gotta be quick- there's no time for chitchatting when you are on the hunt!

We are going down to Orange County today to hit up two of my favorite thrift stores, visit my parents, and then have dinner with Brian's mom who is visiting from Oregon. Hopefully, there are new treasures in my future!

I did finish the mantel and I love it! 

All vintage finds, or items from Linda's estate. I love the little chalkboard where I can write seasonal messages in my serial killer soon as I find a piece of chalk...

We wrapped up the evening with some of Davis' famous cookies. She has become quite the little chef and baker.

Did I mention it's hot? Ugh, I hate the summers and I hate being hot. It's even worse in my old age. I have no patience for it. Even the cats are hot and trying to find a cool place to lay. 
Here's a disturbing image you won't be able to get out of your head. 

This is my twelve year old fat cat, Midnight. About a year ago he started losing his belly fur. I think because when he walks and sits his fur rubs against the ground and comes off. It's embarrassing. We call him "Fat Panther". 

Well, wish me luck today in finding more vintage treasures to share tomorrow. Otherwise, you'll get more ramblings about my cats! I'm going to be the old, crazy cat lady. If Brian lets me- he's kind of over the animals. That's what happens when you hospice care a twenty year old cat! It's a lot of work.

Have a great day!

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