Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Typical Morning in the Fogg House...

So I have discovered that blogging is what you do when you get up at 5:45....there's never any "sleeping in" here- not even on the weekends. That's what happens when you have to take care of a twenty year old cat. Yes, I said 20. I've had my baby kitty longer than I've had Brian. He's been with me since college, my first apartment, and has been there to comfort me through every life changing moment over the last twenty years. Taking care of such a senior cat isn't easy, but I figure I owe it to him after what he has given me. 
He takes pills twice a day, has spent his nine lives years ago, and even survived cancer. He gets around well and still loves his brother, Midnight. 

But this is what a typical morning looks like:
Me trying to figure out what type of food he will eat that day- it's like food roulette. He's picky and we can't let his weight get down. So I try and try until I get it right, because he's worth it!

Sunday morning brings this too. I go to bed excited about when it will be delivered. Stop laughing. Now.

I've never, ever used coupons! I started a couple of weeks ago when we decided we would be on a budget. Stop laughing again, the Foggs, on a budget? How is that possible? Well, if we want to buy a house we need to stop spending money on stupid things- like McDonalds and iTunes. So yesterday I went shopping- Target, Michaels, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Cost Plus- I wound up saving nearly $50.00! This week there is a 50% off coupon for Joanns so I can buy the fabric for the custom duvet cover we are having made. Now that's a deal! Davis' response- 'Just don't turn into Honey Boo-Boo's Mom" lol. I guess she is an extreme couponer and stock piles stuff in the pantry. 
I won't go that far but $50 is $50!

So as I said before my nesting instinct is in full swing so I decided to finally organize our medicine cabinets, and bins, and boxes where we throw stuff into this:

I saw this idea on Pinterest and liked that it was all sorted into what you would need it for. Threw on some scrapbook stickers as labels and now we are all organized! Problem? It was too big to slide underneath the shelf in the bathroom like I had planned. So either I stash it in the guest room or get a smaller bin...decisions, decisions.

Good thing I checked my schedule. I said yesterday that I was going to go by and pick up some artwork- problem was, it's TODAY I am supposed to pick up the artwork. If I would of showed up yesterday I would have ruined a surprise birthday party- and doesn't that just sound like something I would do? 

So I did, as promised, throw another card together yesterday. The pre-printed journaling cards from Michaels made it easy- took me about five minutes. So we will drop this off today- after the surprise party, whew.

And Brian is back! After a long flight next to a hot drunk lady who hit on him, I'm glad he decided to come home, lol. I'm so lucky he doesn't mind going on the road to promote our products. Here is what his typical day looks like:

The ladies love him! Good thing I love him more!

So lots to do today- artwork to pick up, fabric to pick out, frames to buy and pictures to hang. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

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