Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Celebration of Dad...

I hope everyone had a fabulous Father's Day! We celebrated on Saturday night by going out to dinner with my rock star dad. The older I get the less I like going out to dinner on the actual holiday. It's too crowded and too loud. Yes, I am turning into my parents. And I'm only forty. 

The older I get the more I enjoy my dad. He is the best grandpa or "Pop" as Davis calls him. He's taken her to the Aquarium, Disneyland, Knott's, the Zoo, you name it- they've gone. Multiple times. He's even taken her on vacations to Washington to visit my brother and spent the night in tents at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. He's our go-to babysitter when we are traveling. 

 Davis is extremely close to both my parents. I think because they spent so much time with her. Even at almost thirteen she still wants to hang out with them. They love her. Unconditionally. What a true blessing that she has a second support system like that. 

I had a nice conversation with my dad on Sunday. I thanked him for being such a good dad. He wasn't perfect- no parent is- and the 70's and 80's were a different time to be a father. More disciplinarian- less emotional. He apologized to me for not being there all the time- that he had to work so much. I remember him working twelve hour days and weekends. And do you know why? 
To pay for my private school, dance lessons, cheerleading. 
He didn't do it so he could buy a new fancy car. 
He did it for me. 

I think that understanding comes when you are older. But you know what? I don't remember him ever not being there. He was always there when I needed him. I remember trips to the park. Him taking us to an Angels game and having to leave early because my brother bit me. And throwing the ball around on the weekends. I remember him driving me EVERYDAY from Westminster to Newport Beach so I could go to private school. And driving me to dance lessons and stopping by Pup N Taco afterwards for fries and a slushie. 

I think one of the best things about being an adult is being able to give back to your parents for what they have given you. We were able to take my parents on a first class trip to Hawaii- my mom's first ever trip on an airplane. My dad and I drove an R.V. across the country and visited Graceland and Sun Records. I've been able to take him to Stanley Cup Playoff games and I gave my mom her first limo ride and room service experience. 

My dad is the kind of guy who would give you his last dollar in his pocket if you needed it- even if it was the only money he had. I know that if I ever need anything he's my go-to guy. If Davis ever needs anything, she can go to them. I remember my dad at my wedding- which is always emotional. And it was because of him that I was able to pick such a good husband and father of my own daughter. He set the example to live up to. And I will always be grateful for that. 

 I also made sure Davis made it to the store to pick out something for Brian. She's only twelve so she still needs help getting to the store, but she picked out all of the gourmet chocolates he likes as a gift. He got a few other things as well and they all came packaged like this. 
You can't say the Foggs don't recycle.

I also finally finished putting together the gift basket I bought for our neighbors who were so nice to let us use their home for Davis' baptism. Cost Plus World Market has vintage style 4th of July picnic baskets right now. I suggest you run, don't walk and snap one up before they are gone.

Today is usually "thrift day" being that it's Tuesday, but we also have to go down to the car dealer and fix our lease. Apparently, since Brian drives my car all the time we are over the mileage. I dread what they are going to try to sell me on. Ugh. 

I hope everyone has a fabulous day. Take a moment to thank you dad if he is still around. 
You are lucky if he is.


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