Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Monday...Not Such a Fun Day...

Ah...Mondays. I always dread them. It seems like most work happens on a Monday. It seems like bad news always arrives on a Monday. And there are always unfinished projects from the weekend, like laundry, mocking me for not getting it all done. But yesterday wasn't too bad at all. Got all my work done then started on those projects that were still hanging around, just waiting to be done. 

So we have been wanting a vintage metal piece to hang over our bed since we saw this one in Portland but had no way of bringing it home.  I still think about it...would of, should of, could of...

Isn't it a beauty? I found one local but it was too pricey. Last week Brian found this and went to pick it up in L.A. to surprise me. Of course I love it and just had to see what it looked like with the bedding fabric we picked out.

  I think it looks awesome! It looks a bit more yellow in the picture than it does in real life. I just need to remember if we have an earthquake to get out of bed- just in case, because it's kind of heavy and I don't need a bird taking off my head.

Then we hung two of the paint by numbers over the fireplace. I need to finish the mantle (maybe today). Problem is that the mantle is super shallow so only small things fit. Have to dig through my collection and see what I can come up with to finish it off.

 And then my new bread maker arrived! Did I mention it was FREE? I had a few Marriott points from years ago that I needed to use. I have been wanting a bread maker for a while so I figured- hey, why not? I was super excited when I found out you don't even have to make the dough! You just throw all the ingredients in and in two hours you have fresh baked bread. Brian said, "Duh, it's not an Easy Bake Oven, what did you expect?" Well, I don't know I thought it just cooked the bread, not actually made it...but it does!

  So after two hours we made this for dinner and it was good...probably because it had bacon!
 Speaking of machines...yes, we are the people that buy all those gadgets...cake pop maker, pie, maker, pretty much every goofy "As Seen on T.V." product they sell at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Davis got her pie maker as a gift and she has already become quite the little chef this summer. She makes her own breakfast and lunch while we are working and she has perfected the chocolate chip cookie. So yesterday, she made us pies for dessert. And yes, she may had stayed in her pajamas all day. It's summer- we don't judge.


Then it was time to work on her baptism party. Now, here's a project that was really "fun"...note sarcasm...I decided to bling up the plasticware for the party like I saw on Pinterest...darn you, Pinterest...so I glued rhinestones to all the plasticware. Added a doily and a little bit of baker's twine and finished all the plasticware containers. I just need to add the epoxy into the charm. I think they came out really pretty.

My next Pinterest project can only be described as epic fail...I am making chandeliers out of hula hoops (more on that to come) but I wanted to punch holes in the streamers. Unfortunately, the streamers were too thin to punch through so they just tore. Bleh. Take two. I grabbed my bag of decorative scissors and patterned the edges of both sides of 160 feet of streamers...so yeah, 320 feet of trimming edges. I hope all of it works out how I have it in my head otherwise that'll be about three hours of my life I'll never get back...

And in a bit of more random news....something truly out of my character....Brian and I signed up for Disaster Relief Training at Crossroads Church after watching the video of the team they sent to Moore, OK. I've always wanted to do this. I was actually certified by the Red Cross for years but never pursued it. Saw this on my facebook wall this morning and knew we made the right decision.

So on the agenda today is....work and more party stuff. I need to head to thrift and see if I can rescue anything I can use as party decor and I need to get some stuff spray painted. I hope everyone has a fabulous day!


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