Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Did It.

I made it through Monday. 
The best thing about Tuesday is it's our weekly date to thrift! I am so lucky that Brian loves collecting as much as I do. He is also a Craigslist expert. I can't even count how many great finds he has found us on Craigslist! Monday wasn't as tough as I expected it to be. I worked almost an eleven hour day, but I got so much done. I am still waiting on other people to finish their work and I have a big deadline looming over my head, but I realize that there is nothing I can do about it. So, worry won't solve anything. It'll just slow me down. And clutter my head when I need it to be clear. Brian always says to me "If it was easy, everyone would do it." It's kind of our motto. We repeat it often. So that got me thinking this morning. What are the hardest things I've ever done and what were the most rewarding- was there a link? I think the three hardest things I ever accomplished were:

 1. Giving birth to my daughter. It almost killed me. Literally. The pregnancy wasn't easy. I was hospitalized several times. I was bedridden for months. I had kidney stones. I should have known that was a preview to the delivery which lasted for days. And almost killed me and her. Would I do it again? Absolutely. Is she the greatest thing that ever happen to me? Absolutely. Did I try to do it a second time? No way. We are an only child family, but the joy she brings us was worth every minute. Our life wouldn't be complete without her.

2. My marriage to Brian. As anyone knows, marriage is tough. Some days are harder than others. Some days are easy and some days you just want to kill each other. And then life throws you a curve ball. Illness and deaths, financial troubles, business troubles. The way you react to it will make you stronger or break you a part. I'm lucky to be married to my best friend. We've learned over the years to react to situations together rather than tackling them individually. We've worked together for the last thirteen years. It was a learning process. He's the creative art guy. I'm the scientific, numbers person. Totally opposite. We had to learn each others strengths and weaknesses and how we react to them. Now, it's easy. I can't imagine a day when he doesn't sit at the desk five feet away. Some people can't work with their spouse and can't even imagine spending twenty-four hours a day together, every day like we do. I think I'm lucky that I can't imagine it any other way.

3. This was a tough one. The first two were easy. I think my third biggest accomplishment was becoming an inventor and U.S. Patent holder. If you would have told me in high school I would some day have a US Patent in my name I would have thought you were crazy. Never in a million years would I have thought this would happened. It was hard. We had many set backs in developing our product. But we never gave up. Nothing worth having comes easy. It's still exciting to look at the patent. It has both our names on it- as it should. Brian worked harder than I did. I had the idea but he had the vision to make the idea work. Like I said he's the creative, art guy. He can make whats in my head look like how I see it. We work well together.

"If it was easy, everyone would do it." 
My motto for the week as I face this deadline. If it goes bad, we'll figure something else out. We always do. Change your perspective. Accept the challenge- whatever it is. So what are your three biggest accomplishments? Think about it today. Embrace them. Delight in them. 
Don't lose perspective.

You might have noticed I changed my blog header. This is me in my element. Perusing a table of Starburst with prices I wouldn't pay. But isn't that pepper grinder adorable?

I was able to score a few handmade clothing items from the estate sales this past weekend. Like, I've said, unfortunately I can't sew, I just don't have the patience, so I am always on the look out for hand made vintage items. These dresses I will pair with a belt, leggings, and boots. I'll post pictures of me wearing them when I do. I plan on wearing one on my thrift store shopping trip to San Diego this Saturday.

This one is perfect for summers in Corona!

This is the one I am wearing on Saturday with boots and a belt.

 This one screamed "candy striper" to me and I love it.

 I found Davis this adorable shirt and I scored a hand embroidered table runner for Thanksgiving.

 Finally! I have been looking for a vintage Christmas table cloth for the hideous table in our kitchen and I finally found it. Along with a handmade Christmas apron. 
Only six more months until I can use it!     

I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday! Work hard but enjoy the journey. remember "If it was easy, everyone would do it."


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