Friday, September 6, 2013

The Trifecta- Craigslist, Thrift and an Estate Sale

Brian is a Craigslist expert. If there was a job that involved searching Craigslist they would hire him as the President. I don't know how he does it, well, maybe I do but I don't understand his complicated system, but he can find anything. 
So when we decided that no self respecting mid century decor is complete without a bar cart, I knew it would only be a matter of days before we found one. Now, bar carts are expensive. Especially MCM ones. Well into the hundreds of dollars range. Since there is no way I would pay that, I figured it might take a week or so to find one in our price range. 
It took Brian an hour or so and he found one for $20! The exact same one we had seen for $100 or more. It fits perfect next to the estate sale brawl hutch. Of course, all my vintage barware is in storage so I had to make do with what I had here until it's not a billion degrees outside and I can dig around our storage units- yes, that is plural, you read correctly. 
So here she is in all of her $20 glory.

I've had an idea for a collage wall for a while now. A wall of all the weird stuff I pick up. I've been calling it "My Wall of Oddities." We stopped by the SA and when I saw this, I knew I had the focal point for the wall.

"There's a Reason to Life" so profound. After some research we figured out it was from a novel "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" that was popular in the 1970's where a seagull discovers the meaning of life. It was hugely popular and Brian remembers his mom reading the book when he was a kid.

We went to an estate sale that was our first real "pick." Boxes and boxes of stuff that had been in sheds that you had to dig through. I found more little things for my wall. It was hot and filthy and I should have brought gloves. Of course I was wearing a dress and flip flops- not "picking" attire by any means. The tiered kidney table we bought for $15. It will be our first refinishing project. That should be interesting.

So I finally had enough oddities to finish my wall. First I laid them all out on the ground so I could get the placement right.

Then we had the big job of hanging it all. I have a great video of it that Blogger won't let me upload so here is the picture of the finished project!
It makes me happy every time I walk down the hall. I hope everyone is having a great Friday and looking forward to the weekend. I love these short weeks!

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