Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Few More Pieces from the Weekend

I am totally in love with our vintage clock we found on Craigslist for $40! It was down in San Diego so we were lucky that our dear friend Michelle picked it up for us! We had the perfect spot for it, so I knew we had to have it!

I have been on the look out for a 1960's style owl in orange. Random, I know. Brian, in all his Craigslist glory found a guy selling his owl collection- go figure. He didn't have exactly what I wanted but he did have this sweet picture I grabbed for $20. 
It looks like something someone won at a carnival in 1972.

We found a place for Davis' original paintings as well. It's nice to have some of her artwork in the house.

I also found a couple of little pieces for under the stairs at our friend's vintage shop. If you are ever in the Corona area make sure you stop by "Good Cents Vintage & Thrift" She has a wide variety of styles and amazing prices!

Anyone who knows me, knows I have been searching for the elusive peacock. I saw one in a vintage shop in Portland about two years ago. It was huge. Over three and a half feet and it was $400. Way too pricey for me and I had no way of getting it home anyways. I have never seen another one. Until this weekend. One popped up on Etsy and it was on sale. And it was a quarter of the price of the original. Yep, this beauty is on its way to me!

We are heading to an estate sale this morning. It's a picker's sale. Boxes and boxes of junk. I am hoping for an orange owl, lol, and a few new odd pieces for my collage wall. 
I hope everyone has a fabulous day!

1 comment:

  1. That's it, I'm coming to live with you.... I love that clock, it would go perfect on my Clock Wall... Have you seen my clock wall?
