Thursday, October 10, 2013

Best Estate Sale Ever.

So last week we hit the most awesome estate sales. Of course, we had to drive all the way to Banning but it was worth it because there were only a few people there (we got there five minutes before the sale opened and we were second in line) and it was cheap! I love me a good sale! We did so much shopping I haven't had time to take all the pictures yet but we did get what I went there for. These three lovelies that are now brightening up our living room!

We also grabbed this desk that will be our make and take table in our trade show booth- with the chair for only $35! 

On our way back from Banning we stopped at a couple of sales in Riverside. Usually, at a sale the stuff in the backyard is the "junk". When we finally made our way back there I saw a typewriter case tucked in the corner. Now I have been wanting a vintage Royal forever- years. But they sell for $400 plus online. So I resigned myself to just opening every case I see and hope I get lucky. After opening hundreds of case only to find ugly gray typewriters, I was resigned to never finding one. Until last weekend. I opened that case in the yard and low and behold, there it was. A vintage Royal Blue. Marked...wait for it...$30. I grabbed it and tried to look calm. Brian said we better pay for it and go before someone changes their mind. So finally, after years of searching I have one. It found a home on the desk we had just picked up. It came with the case and works perfectly. Score.

We also grabbed another piece to fill out the wall above our credenza.

When I was sick I was lucky to have Michelle out shopping and she was texting me pictures of the sales she was at so I was able to shop via proxy, lol. She picked up two pictures for us to go over the mantle. Thanks Michelle!

We had a busy weekend with all of the sales, an overnight trip to Disneyland for Davis, a birthday dinner on Saturday for me, and then the flea on Sunday. I picked up a lot of things at the flea, I will post about later including vintage clothes that were two for $5.00! But we didn't buy any baby heads...

 This week is Homecoming week at school so Davis has been dressing up every day. Yesterday was "Wacky Day" which looked a lot how she normally dresses everyday.

Today was "Dress as your Favorite Circus Animal" (huh?) so she went as Rarity, her favorite My Little Pony...a pony is a circus animal, no?

This weekend Brian has the Ontario Show (yay, it's local) and Davis has her Homecoming dance, game and after party, plus a Halloween party on Saturday and a birthday party on Sunday. Not sure if I will get to any sales this weekend as it looks to be pretty busy but if I can, I will find a way! I hope everyone is having a fabulous week- it's almost Friday!


  1. I REALLY need to come visit you guys and your awesomely decorated home! My mom went to Banning High School ;-)

    1. Yes you do! Or just wait until we move to Seattle :)
