Sunday, December 29, 2013

Merry Christmas! Is it Really Over?

There is so much planning and excitement that goes into the entire Christmas holiday it feels like it can't really be over! I admit I have a bit of an emotional letdown after the holiday. It's like coming home after a really great vacation- you had a great time, but who really wants to come home? I do a lot to keep the real meaning in Christmas for Davis. Below are some of our family traditions. The elf Baxter will get his own blog post since his adventures are too numerous too post about here- you don't want to be reading all day! 
We started our season off in November by packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.This is a great Christmas ministry and if you have never had a chance to do it- check it out! It's fun and rewarding!
We go to the annual Christmas tree lighting at our church. Singing carols around the tree in fake snow is as close as we get to a white Christmas here in California!
We always have an annual Christmas lunch with our friends.

Since Davis spent one Christmas at CHOC Hospital we always drop off toys every year. We know how hard it is to spend the holidays in the hospital so we like to give back some of the toys Davis received while she was there.
You can't forget the advent calendar! Davis ate chocolate every day before she went to school, lol.
We also have Christmas trees in our bedroom. Davis' was Haunted Mansion themed- naturally.
Not only did we pack boxes for Operation Christmas Child, Davis was finally old enough to volunteer at their distribution center.
Davis had her school's Christmas dance. She went vintage. That's my girl!
We made our annual trip to Disneyland to see all of the holiday lights!
We baked for neighbors and friends.
Then it was time to pick out our tree. We overbought on size and didn't know how it was going to fit in the house. We've had a lot of laughs over our "Griswold" tree! 
Then the actual day arrived! We spent it with my parents at our house. It was a great day of family time!
After dinner we always decorate a birthday cake for baby Jesus. This is a tradition that I have been doing since I was a child.
We also give each other funny gifts. I found this old Tupperware bowl at a estate sale. It's what we used as kids as a "barf bucket." Of course I knew it was perfect for my mom! Question was- would she remember it like I did...of course she did, lol!
My mom got me one back by finding my 1970's penguin beach towel I had as a kid!
And it's not Christmas at the Foggs until the animals are in their holiday outfits! Is it wrong I enjoy this so much? Probably, lol.
I present Candy in all of her finery.

Lucky had several costumes...from Santa Claus to reindeer to elf.
Midnight as Santa Claws.
The only animal exempt is Tygrr. At age twenty he gets a pass but he did get a new bed for his old bones for Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. It was full of family, fun and laughs. Am I sad it's over? Yes! Am I milking it for all it's worth through the New Year? Absolutely. 

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