Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Vintage Gifts, Just in Time for Christmas!

I know everyone has their tree up, presents wrapped, and activities all planned out, right? After all, Christmas is just nine days away... But if you are like me...shopping isn't done, haven't even bought a tree and running around like a crazy person...then this blog post is for you!

I promised to buy only local, handmade, or vintage gifts this year so I have put together a list of few of my favorite etsy shops in case, like me, you are looking for last minute gifts and want to support a small business at the same time.

I have been drooling over these poodle gravel art pictures since I first saw them. They are adorable and I know if I woke up everyday and saw them, they would totally put a smile on my face. They are from SpaceModyssey. She has a ton of great stuff in her shop!

Pyrex is always the perfect gift and these Snowflake Garland fridgies from GypsumMoonVintage are adorable! Snowflake Garland is one of my favorite patterns and fridgies can be hard to find!

TTLGFurnishings has amazing glassware in her shop including tons of Pyrex- even full sets if you are looking to jump start your collection. This owl by Fenton is no exception. Pretty and adorable- he would make the perfect gift!

I love lazy Susan dishes and I love California Pottery from the 1950's.  We have several we use to hold our keys, condiments on our kitchen table, and as a catch all for change on the bedroom dresser. This fish themed lazy Susan  from AtomicKittenVintage is cute and useful.

And if you are looking for handmade, this gorgeous crochet scarf from YarnWorksStudio would make the perfect gift. Trust me, I have one.

Of course, the list wouldn't be complete if I didn't throw in an item from my own shop LivingAVintageLife.  I listed new items today, just in time for your holiday shopping.  My favorite is this vintage carpet bag tapestry purse. It was hard to let go. 

I hope this helps you guys with your last minute shopping and gets the word out about some great etsy shops with vintage items that you should definitely follow!

Have a wonderful day!



  1. Thank you, Tricia - our fridgies are honored to be in this company - and that tapestry bag is awesome :)

  2. These are all great. (I especially love that fish dish. Cute!) And thanks so much for the shoutout, Tricia! I'm so glad you got (& like) your scarf. (((Hugs!)))
